The top dating trends we’ll be seeing a lot of in 2023.

A Lifestyle Blog for the Modern Bitch
The top dating trends we’ll be seeing a lot of in 2023.
There are several kinds of dangerous relationships you should be wary of. Here are 5 to watch for.
Advice to a reader who wants a relationship with someone who claims they’re “not ready” and more.
Learn how to dress for a first date with these simple tips.
A personal story about dating a guy with several red flags – here’s what happened and what I learned.
For years, I went through one heartbreak after another believing that I was simply unlucky in relationships (or, worse, unlovable.) But, as it turns out, neither was true. In reality, I was just another woman making some major dating mistakes. It took time and experience to gain the wisdom to understand what I was …
Hi friends, and welcome back to another Dear Dating Bitch advice column! If you’re new to the blog, Dear Dating Bitch where I answer dating and relationship questions agony aunt style. If you’re in need of some advice, go ahead and submit your questions here. And don’t worry – it’s always anonymous. Usually, I try …
In this edition of ‘Dear Dating B,’ I’m answering a reader who is 21 and still has never been kissed along with a few other letters.