While dating apps hit a high note during cuffing season, they also see a spike in activity during the summer. That’s because summer is the perfect time for a passionate fling. of After all, the phrase summer love exists for a reason. In today’s collab post, I’ll be looking into why summer is the season of romance.

Before I get started, I want to give a quick shout-out to the other amazing bloggers who joined this collaboration! You can find these fabulous creators listed at the bottom of this post.

And now, here are 7 reasons summer is the season of romance.

7 Reasons Summer is the Season of Romance

Vacation Vibes

When you think of summer, you probably think of vacationing. Summer is associated with travel, sure, but more than that, it’s associated with freedom. People are generally more relaxed in the summer months, thus, they’re more open to the idea of falling in love.

Sunlight is Sexy

The sun is incredibly important when it comes to our mood. In winter, we tend to experience some mild sadness – and, in some cases, major sadness, known as seasonal affective disorder. That’s because sunlight produces more dopamine and serotonin in your brain – two of our biggest “feel good” chemicals.

Whether we experience significant winter blues or not, come summer, we’re generally happier and more upbeat.

We’re also more aroused. Research has found that exposure to ultraviolet rays boosts sexual hormones and increases sex drive in both men and women. So, in the summer, we’re happier, more energetic, and ready for some action.

Warm Weather Helps

Like the increase in sunlight, the rise in temperature plays a role in why summer is the season of romance.

Think of how soothing it is to drink hot chocolate or tea, of how relaxed you feel when soaking in a hot top. The reason for that is simple. Warmth feels good, both emotionally and physically. When it’s warm outside, we feel happier and more content.

Not only does warm weather help us feel more relaxed, it can actually prime us for love. Warmer temperatures increase our feelings of emotional attachment, trust, and closeness. Making us ready for romance.

Hot Days = Shorter Skirts

This one’s pretty obvious, but when it’s hot and sunny out, you’re probably not walking around in an oversized hoodie and jeans.

In the summer, we wear less clothingbikini’s, skirts, tank tops, sundresses. You get the picture.

So, you’ve got people feeling relaxed, happy, aroused, emotionally closer, and wearing sexier outfits. It’s not much of a surprise, then, that summer flings are bound to happen.

That Summer Scent

Of all our senses, smell might have the biggest impact on our emotions. The sense of smell has an incredibly powerful effect on memory. And, for a lot of us, summer scents – things like freshly cut grass, the ocean, sunscreen– bring back happy memories.

We smell summer and we feel free, happy, and young.

Season of Socializing

Summer is an inherently social season. And with sunnier days, warmer weather, and everyone feeling happier and more energetic, it’s no wonder we spend so much of summer with others.

Pool parties, backyard barbecues, watching the fireworks, outdoor concerts – there’s a lot happening! In summer, you’re probably spending more time with friends and family. Not only does this give you a chance to meet more people, it can also work to help you feel closer to your lover. We tend to feel more connected to our partner when we’re able to socialize with them.

Endless Possibilities

Finally, summer is perfect for date nights. There are so many fun things you can do in the summer, which makes dating that much better.

Especially if you’re the type of person who likes to share new experiences, a summer romance is probably right up your ally.

In Collaboration With…

Again, this post was done as part of a larger collaboration, so make sure to check out these amazing creators!

Mind Beauty Simplicity

Examine This Moment

Environline Blog

This Brits Life

Vic St. Michael

Riyah Speaks

Headphones Thoughts

Do you agree that summer is the season of romance? Let me know in the comments down below!


  1. avatar

    I love summer and I agree its the time to get to know so many people. Since going to conventions this summer I have met so many cool people.

    1. avatar

      That’s awesome! What kind of conventions?

  2. avatar

    Enjoyed reading your post. This was a fun collaboration.

    Pastor Natalie Young (Examine This Moment)

    1. avatar

      It was!! Thanks so much!

  3. avatar
    Riyah Speaks says:

    Summer is definitely the most romantic season. You hit it on the nail when you said that people love the sexier outfits. I know I do.

    1. avatar

      Yes!! You just feel more confident too

  4. avatar

    I think you’ve nailed it! I just wish it wasn’t so hot where I am–that’s really put a damper on things this year!

    1. avatar

      That definitely makes it hard to socialize outdoors!

  5. avatar

    I agree that summer makes things more romantic and sexy! I always loved that idea of a summer romance!

    Corinne x

    1. avatar

      Reading about the psychology of it, that defo makes sense!

  6. avatar
    mindbeautysimplicity says:

    loved collaborating with you & all these amazing bloggers! 🙂 loved this post & I agree, summer is def all about romance.

    1. avatar

      Same! Thanks for thinking of this collab and inviting me to participate!

      1. avatar
        mindbeautysimplicity says:

        anytime! 🙂

  7. avatar
    Simplyalexjean says:

    This is a great post Katie – sunlight is sexy! Everything is really better in the summer, and that includes romance! Thanks for sharing these 7 reasons for summer romance to heat up!

    1. avatar

      I totally agree! I think a lot of people love summer because of that

Let me know your thoughts!

About Author

30ish Lifestyle blogger, relationship "expert," and modern-day agony aunt.
Sometimes humorous, always honest.