*Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links and sponsored/gifted items. All opinions and thoughts pertaining to the best gifts for guys remain my own. For more information, see my disclosure policy.
Welcome back to another Dating Bitch gift guide! In this one, I’m sharing the best gifts for guys this season – whether that’s a guy you’re dating or the guy who raised you, there’s something wonderful for all the men you love.
First, though, I’ve got several other gift guides you can browse through if you haven’t already:
In addition, a PDF version of all my Gift Guides is up in the Freebies Library. So, make sure to subscribe to my email list so you can access the full library of freebies!
And now, we’ll move on to the best holiday gifts for men this season.

*Note: To view any of the products in this post, simply click the image.
Best Gifts for Guys You Love
Guys you love could be those you’re related to, close friends, or someone you’re romantically involved with. Whoever they are, these are the guys who are special to you in some way. So, this holiday season, you’ll want to get them an equally special gift.
1. Something Stylish
In my opinion, guys can be easier to shop for than women. Especially when it comes to clothing. For one thing, their sizes are way more straight-forward than ours. But, also, men aren’t typically quite as particular about clothing. Thoughts like, “Does this cover up my cellulite well enough?” rarely enter their mind.
That kind of lack of self-consciousness makes shopping much less difficult. And with that, here are some stylish gift ideas for him.
2. Something Practical
I’m not a huge fan of the practical gift – I don’t want something I need, I want something I’d never think to get myself! But I know that not everyone has my same viewpoint.
So, here are some great gifts for guys who are logical and practical-minded.
3. Something for the Gamer in Your Life
I grew up in a family of board-game aficionados, so when I think “gamer,” I think long nights of Risk and Settlers of Catan. But I certainly understand that “gamer” means something different to a great number of people now.
So, here are some great gift ideas for gamers – either board gamers or video gamers.
4. Something Unique
Sometimes, it’s nice to get a guy something unique and thoughtful. Especially if that guy happens to be someone you’re romantically involved with.
Here are some perfect romantic or unique gift ideas for men:
Best Gifts for Guys You Don’t Know Super Well
If it’s a guy you’ve only been dating a few weeks, I’d suggest getting him something small for the holidays. Or, maybe it’s a guy your sister is in a serious relationship with, but you’ve only met him two or three times. Again, it’s nice to get him something small. After all, everyone likes to have a gift to open at a holiday party.
So, with that in mind, here are some gifts for guys you don’t know that well.
So, there you have it! My best gifts for guys this season.
What do you think of my gift ideas? Do you have any additional suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!
As always, thanks for reading!
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This is an awesome list! That decanter set is beautiful! This is such a helpful list! Thank you for making it!
I know, some of the decanters are almost too pretty to use.
Great ideas! You’re right that it can be easy to shop for guys when it comes to clothing. My fiancé loves quarter-zips and aviators.
Yes! They are much easier for clothing than women, I think.
This is such a helpful post as men are always so hard to buy for. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! So glad you found it helpful!
Love this gift guide. My dad is super easy to buy for but it’s my brother I struggle with. I normally get him a good game 🙂 x
yeah, I get my dad games a lot because he’s big into board games
I love this gift card. I particularly like the selection you have the game is my boyfriend is a Hardcore Gamer and really needs a new chair
That’s a great Christmas gift idea, especially for a long-term partner.
men are so hard to buy for so this gift guide was very helpful! thank you!
So glad you found it useful!
Too bad my boyfriends love language is 10% receiving gifts 😂😂
That makes it much easier for you, though!