For the past six months or so, I’ve been doing these Meet the Advertisers posts. And today, I’m bringing you my March Advertisers along with a bittersweet announcement: this will be my final one for the time being.

It was a hard decision to make, and I won’t bore you with all the reasons for why – but I do have some good news! I will still be offering advertising, just without these Meet the Bloggers posts.

But, before I get into what my new advertising packages will look like, you can find my March Advertisers below. To see any of their blogs, just click the logo!

Best blogs to read - Mommylogue
The Grumpy Olive
Eclectic Lyn - Best Blogs to Read this February
Live Inspire Learn Logo - Blogs to read this February
Simply Alex Jean - Best blogs to read this December
Simply Alex Jean
Fire to Phoenix Advertiser
Fire to Phoenix

New Year, New Advertising

OK, OK, I know – it’s March and therefore too late to be making ‘New Year’ references. But, just go with it!

Like I mentioned, I am still going to offer advertising for fellow bloggers, but my packages will be different since I won’t be writing these Monthly Advertisers posts. To make sure there’s still a Domain Authority benefit, I’ll still include a backlink, it will just be in an existing blog post.

I’ll be offering TWO different advertising packages:


  • Sidebar Button (your blog logo + link in my sidebar for the month)
  • x1 Backlink of yours inserted in an existing blog post
  • Feature in the Monthly Newsletter
  • Your logo in all outgoing emails for the month


  • Sidebar Button (your blog logo + link in my sidebar for the month)
  • x2 Backlinks of yours inserted into existing blog posts
  • Feature in the Monthly Newsletter
  • Your logo in all outgoing emails for the month
  • A dedicated email showcasing your blog with x3 post recommendations

This change might not last forever. But, lately, I’ve been feeling the need to take a step back and this is one way I can do that.

And now, let’s meet the March Advertisers!

☆ ☆ ☆

My Fabulous, Final March Advertisers


Mommylogue Logo - Best blogs to read this month

First up, I’ve got a returning advertiser with me. Elle DoubleU-Pepper 🌶 is the writer behind Mommylogue, a personal parenting blog.

The name Mommylogue comes from the concept of an inner “mommy” dialogue, which is exactly what her blog is. Much like an online diary, it’s a deeply personal and open look at one mother’s life and thoughts. Regardless of whether you’re a mom (or even a parent!) it’s a fantastic blog to get lost in.

Here are a few of her recent posts you should check out:

And don’t forget to follow her on social media!


The Grumpy Olive

The Grumpy Olive - March Advertisers

Next up, I’ve got The Grumpy Olive, a lifestyle blog created and run by three sisters (Simona, Fred, and Cristina.)

Their blog is a fun, upbeat look at all the things they love. You can find posts about food (including easy and tasty recipes!), beauty, books, blogging, and travel. Basically, they’ve got a little something for everyone.

Featured Blog Post to Read:

And be sure to follow them on social, too!


Love. Inspire. Learn

Love Inspire Learn Logo - Blogs to read this February

This month, I have Adanna, aka AmethystAP, returning for March.

Her blog, Love.Inspire.Learn, is a lifestyle and personal growth blog dedicated to self-care, wellness, and intentional living. She writes about a variety of topics, including books, productivity, fitness, health, and relationships. All in all, her blog is fully aimed at helping you live a more purposeful and balanced life.

Here are a few blog posts of hers to check out:

And make sure to follow her on social media!


Read her Guest Post: The 5 Most Important Traits of a Healthy Relationship

Simply Alex Jean

Simply Alex Jean - Best blogs to read this December

Next up, I’ve got Alex from Simply Alex Jean with me again.

Alex is a wellness blogger and Pinterest queen. On her blog, she covers a variety of topics including health and wellness, chronic pain and essential oils, blogging and social media, and all things organization. She’s also runs a Pinterest Management business and is passionate about helping others use the social tool to thrive.

Here’s a blog post of hers to read:

And make sure to follow her on social media!


Read her guest post: Best Cost-Effective At Home Date Ideas: A Guest Post

Eclectic Lifestyle Blog

Eclectic Lyn - February and March Advertisers

Lyn, creator of Eclectic Lifestyle Blog, is another blogger back to advertise this month.

Eclectic is a lifestyle blog dedicated to all things mental health and wellness. Lyn frequently writes about parenting, self-care, and dating. She’s also open about her own experiences with depression, particularly when it comes to dating with depression.

You can also find plenty of creative work on her blog as she often shares poetry and short stories.

Fire to Phoenix

Fire to Phoenix Advertiser

And last, but certainly not least in my group of final advertisers I have Deb, the blogger behind Fire to Phoenix.

Hers is a lifestyle blog and as you probably guessed, the name is symbolic of resilience. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Deb has learned to overcome her own difficult situations. She writes about a variety of topics like life, love, health, personal growth, and the workplace. And her stream-of-consciousness posts are a joy to read.

Featured blog post to check out:

And be sure to follow her on Twitter, too!


☆ ☆ ☆


That’s it for my final Meet the Advertisers! I’m beyond grateful to everyone who has advertised with me in the past. And for those who want to advertise with me in the future, I’d love to hear from you! Send me a message on Twitter or shoot me an email at

And make sure to let me know which of these blogs you’re excited to read this month!

As always, thanks for reading.


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  1. avatar

    Eclectic Lifestyle Blog is a new one for me! I’ll definitely be checking that out, thank you for sharing! Hope your new advertising packages work better for you!

    1. avatar

      Thanks! Eclectic is fantastic – make sure to give it a read!

  2. avatar

    Ooh great selection of bloggers here! I love The Grumpy Olive and I hadn’t heard of Love. Inspire. Learn before but I’ll definitely be checking it out soon! Thanks for sharing x

    1. avatar

      You’ll definitely love reading hers!

  3. avatar

    Great round up! I love finding new bloggers.

    1. avatar

      Yes, same here! Thanks!

  4. avatar

    This is a great group of bloggers this month! There are several blogs I’m not familiar with including Love.Inspire.Learn & Fire to Phoenix so I’ll have to check out their posts!

    1. avatar

      You won’t be disappointed! They’re both fantastic

Let me know your thoughts!

About Author

30ish Lifestyle blogger, relationship "expert," and modern-day agony aunt.
Sometimes humorous, always honest.