I’ve always loved this time of year—the holiday season. Maybe not the weather (or the whole daylight savings time thing), but everything else. The atmosphere, the decorations, the general feeling of love and merriment. And today, I’m sharing the 3 things I love the most about the holidays as part of our blogging Holiday Tag*.

*If you’re new to the world of blogging, this Holiday Tag is part of a larger collab, where multiple bloggers write about the same topic. In this case, that’s holiday favorites.

Holiday Tag post for 2022

Holiday Tag: 3 Holiday Favorites

Alright, let’s get to it! For this Holiday Tag, we’re talking about our favorite things about the holiday season. That might differ depending on who you are and what you celebrate, but for me, when I think of the holidays, I think of Christmas-time.

1. Cheesy Hallmark Movies

I’ve always been a huge fan of those really corny Christmas movies. Like, the type you find on the Hallmark channel. Or on ABC Family. (And, honestly, those ABC Family originals are my favorites!)

I’m not entirely sure why. I don’t like Hallmark or Lifetime movies in general, or movies that are overly sappy. But something about the Christmas movies specifically makes me love these feel-good films. If you’re the same way, here are a few of my faves to check out:

  1. Love Hard (Netflix)
  2. Naughty or Nice (Hallmark – Amazon Prime & Peacock)
  3. 12 Dates of Christmas (ABC Family – Hulu)
  4. Snowglobe (ABC Family – Hulu)
  5. A Christmas Prince (Netflix)

2. Seeing The Lights

There are a few holiday traditions I do every year, and along with watching some cheesy Christmas movies, seeing the lights is one of them.

I’m talking about those big drive-through Christmas light shows. Sometimes, they have the lights set to music (those are absolutely amazing!) But if not, I turn on some holiday music in the car and take in all the beauty.

A lot of places also offer horse-drawn carriage rides through the lights, which looks really cute and romantic, but it’s so cold when I go that I’ve never tried it!

3. The Anticipation of Christmas

Christmas itself is always wonderful. You’ve got your family with you. Everyone sits around to open gifts and eat some delicious food. And we spend the whole day in our PJ’s.

But there’s something so nostalgic about the anticipation of Christmas. When you see all the gifts piling up in front of the tree in the weeks and days leading up to Christmas morning. Or, as an adult, when you go to buy all the gifts and get excited to hand them out.

Christmas is always a little bittersweet because once it’s over, you have to wait a whole year before you can do it again.

Check Out These Other Bloggers

As I mentioned earlier, multiple other bloggers have participated in this Holiday Tag. Make sure to check them out as well:

Holiday Tag: You’re It!

I hope you enjoyed this tag post and learning a bit more about me. Now, I’d like to invite ALL of you to participate in it as well. Write your own post and share your 3 favorite things about the holidays. And make sure to tag me so I can check it out!

xx Katie

What do you love most about the holidays? Let me know in the comments down below!


  1. avatar
    Inspired By Kel says:

    The chessy hallmark movies is my fave part although my mom loves to watch hallmark movies especially Christmas movies all year round!

    1. avatar

      Lol, yes, I have some family members like that.

  2. avatar

    Such a fun read. Christmas films along with some hot cocoa and Christmas cookies are yummy. This was fun doing this Holiday collab with each of you.

    Pastor Natalie (Examine This Moment)

    1. avatar

      Agreed! Thanks for getting this together for us!

  3. avatar
    headphonesthoughts says:

    I am honored and excited to be apart of this collaboration. I love Hallmark movies too. I watch at least one or two each year. I also sometimes watch the Lifetime Christmas movies.

    1. avatar

      I sometimes flip on Lifetime, too, but ABC Family was always my favorite.

  4. avatar
    mindbeautysimplicity says:

    I also love looking at all the beautiful lights! 😊🎄 loved collaborating with you & everyone. Happy Holidays!

    1. avatar

      Same here! Tag posts are always fun!

  5. avatar

    Christmas films are up there in my favourites too! Loved reading your answers x

    1. avatar

      Christmas movies are so fun!

  6. avatar

    The more I think about it, the more excited I get about Christmas! By now I usually have watches some Christmas movies but I haven’t yet – need a rewatch of A Christmas Prince stat!

    1. avatar

      It’s definitely a good one

  7. avatar
    According to Chren says:

    We love this time of year too, especially the holiday lights and watching cute movies. 12 Dates of Christmas is one of our favorites.

    1. avatar

      It’s an oldie but a goodie!

  8. avatar

    I also like looking at Christmas lights and decorations and watching holiday movies. The holiday season always gives me warm feelings.

    1. avatar

      Same here!

Let me know your thoughts!

About Author

30ish Lifestyle blogger, relationship "expert," and modern-day agony aunt.
Sometimes humorous, always honest.